Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

Solidarity Mission

Piarist centers are called to be centers of solidarity, with their participants, with their environment, and with the world.

This is the case in the high school in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, where the cafeteria serves the neediest people in the neighborhood. Those who benefit most are the young children who study in other schools without a cafeteria. Many of the Itaka Escolapios educational centers of carry out solidarity initiatives despite facing economic difficulties to maintain their own work because solidarity is part of their raison d’être.

Dorotea and Bla invite you to work so that your own school center can participate in the Solidarity Mission and achieve the solidarity diploma.  Everything you get will go to towards helping with the economic maintenance of the Itaka Escolapios Centers that have more difficulties to continue operating on a daily basis in Bolivia, Cameroon, Gabon, India, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, and Venezuela.

You have a letter from Dorotea to start the Solidarity Campaign, you can do several activities, and another letter from Dorotea for each mission you complete. (Final letter of the mission.)



Chain of Favours (From 12 years old)

Cooperative squares (From 10 to 16 years old)

CSI (Color, symbol, image) about the video of the campaign. (From 3 years old)

3, 2, 1 metaphor for solidarity (From 3 years old)

Solidarity games (From 6 to 16 years old)

Series of solidarity activities. (From 3 years old)

Get to know and promote Itaka-Escolapios centers (From 3 years old)

Solidarity sports