2023-2024 Somewhere in the world
One of our keys to promote the Piarist mission throughout the world, is the work in a model of awareness that seeks social transformation. For that reason, together with other initiatives, for many years we especially take care of the solidarity campaigns with which, every year, we give better know the actions, projects and works shared in the international network of Itaka-Escolapios.
It isn’t strange to hear slogans like, for example: ““To the encounter with Atambua”, “The treasure of Senegal”, “To the rhythm of the Congo”, “Centres that change, change your centre”, or in the last course, ” A voice, a million changes“.
During this course, through the slogan “Somewhere in the world…”, we want to invite you to know and reflect on the various realities that exist beyond our immediate environment, as well as to explore, understand and improve our world from education, both formal and non-formal. This slogan encourages us to recognize that every corner of the planet has its own unique history, culture, and challenges, and reminds us that our actions can have a significant impact on the well-being of others and on building a more just and human world.
For this, from Itaka-Escolapios, we want to encourage you to promote in our children and young people: curiosity, empathy and respect for other cultures and contexts not always close; but also, to accompany them in the discovery of certain social problems and in the search for solutions. Because they, have a lot to say and contribute to the world. They are the future and hope.