Children, both girls and boys should be educated together and receive equal education. Opting for coeducation means a greater quest for equality at each stage of their development. The aim of the resources in this section is to eliminate gender stereotypes by overcoming social inequalities and cultural hierarchies between girls and Boys.
Busqueda Avanzada
Últimos recursos Co-education
Cuidando del peque
- Trabajar los roles asignados y dialogar sobre el ideario de conductas asociadas a mujeres y hombres.
Juego de roles
- Trabajar los roles asignados y dialogar sobre el ideario de conductas asociadas a mujeres y hombres.
La caja coja
Talent sales
- Know the cultures of dances, music and food of other countries present in the projects of Itaka-Escolapios.
- Motivate them to shiw their talents in the service of God, bringing joy, messages of peace and solidarity.
Your written voice transforms.
To make visible the world we want with the words we need today, so that words are the best example of the transformation that can be generated.