Taking care of their small steps
Date: 2023 18th November
Right to education
Fight against exclusion
- +18
Objectives :
- Learn about the reality of the socio-educational centres of Itaka-Escolapios in Guanabacoa (Cuba) and the Aluche neighbourhood of Madrid (Spain).
- Work the centrality of the child through the knowledge and care of the Rights of the Child.
This activity will invite us first to know the reality of the socio-educational centres located in Madrid and in Guanabacoa, this will allow us to enter the social work that is done in both sites, the positive impact of both sites and as the Piarist family in that area contributes to the social transformation, for this Elikya and Esengo will accompany us.
We cannot think in an Piarist fraternity that does not worry and occupies to see for the needs of the little ones; for precisely this was the reality and the first interest of our patron saint St. Joseph Calasanz and how to be able to guide and take care of them in a complex and delicate context, today we would like to say that the context of our childhoods around the world is less violated or attacked by society but it is a lie, we are in a context of revolution in technologies and in the constant dehumanization of the neighbour and of Christian values, so it will be important to reinforce and make visible the rights of our children and know the realities of children from other parts of the world.
We (Elykia and Esengo) are from democratic Republic of the Congo where we would like to tell you that we could access many rights such as those of children from other parts of the world, but it would be a lie, now and to make visible these differences, I will invite you to know first the socio-educational centres of Madrid and Guanabacoa, once you know them we will do some activities for the children of your reality in the province in which you develop.
Since you have known the reality of these socio-educational spaces, my work is that we can generate a visible reflection, therefore, we will have to “TAKE CARE OF THEIR SMALL STEPS”.
The task that your fraternity community must do will be to make a decalogue of the care of the rights of the child for adults, that can be pasted with, shared and disseminated in our socio-educational realities, in our parishes, chapels and schools, mainly in sites where parents of family of primary and secondary level can see it, the decalogue must not only bring the 10 things that we must take care of the childhood of our reality; but also how to be able to do it from our adult centrism in which sadly many of our contexts have fallen, by a situation of social belonging or of the context in which we operate.
Once having the catalogue of the care of their small steps, we ask you that you can digitize it and that you share it to the coordination of the Solidarity Campaign of your Province so that we can have this material with us, it will be interesting to contrast how adults from different parts of the world want to take care of childhood.
Attachments: (you can attach documents, images, posters etc.) Place it in the corresponding folder well-identified (for example, with the name)
This activity is proposed in the framework of the Csolidarity Campaign 2023-24