Your written voice transforms.
Date: 2022 22th November
Right to education
- 6-8
Objectives :
To make visible the world we want with the words we need today, so that words are the best example of the transformation that can be generated.

Provide a space in the work (parish, project, school) where you can create a mural of WORDS OF TRANSFORMATION, with the title "THE WORLD WE ARE BUILDING".
It can be directly on a wall, canvas, blanket, cardboard, craft paper, etc.; and it should be in a visible area for the community where the project takes place. All the students should write with watercolour, markers or preferably paints, their hand and a transforming word that they believe is missing in the context where they live..
First of all, they are invited to have a previous session to discuss the theme of transformation, of the different realities that benefit from the solidarity campaign and to understand that our voice is also written and that it is important to write words of love and not words that destroy. After this session, the students are invited to do the mural activity.
Esta actividad se propone en el marco de la Campaña de solidaridad 2022-23