Solidarity is a part of my place.
Date: 2023 18th November
Global-local approach
- 3-5
- 6-8
Objectives :
- Awaken solidarity knowing the realities of others.
- Sensitize and propitiate a reflection in a visual way in the school or parish with respect to the importance of solidarity in the world with the parable of the good Samaritan.
- Highlight the importance of prayer to help our neighbour.
First meeting:
Bible reading: Luke 10 25-37
Parable of the good Samaritan
Questions about reading:
What does the text say?
Who are the characters?
What do I think about the text?
We identify with some of the characters. It is sure that we are not “bandits”, “indifferent people”, “people attacked” or “Samaritans” ... But have we ever behaved like any of them? When? With whom?
With this parable Jesus is telling us that love of God goes through love to others:
“You cannot love God, whom you do not see, if before you do not love your brothers, whom you do see”.
After commenting the catechist encourages the children to make a comic about the text
Steps to make a comic:
begins with an idea or theme (in this case the parable of the good Samaritan)
consider the characters.
Determine the format of the comics (the vignettes, the sandwiches, the direction of the reading…)
get to draw.
For the little ones find the path that the Samaritan does to the wounded man. Annexes
Hang the comics in a visible place.
Second meeting.
We take the parable of the good Samaritan to our lives knowing places where they give welcome to people helping them and giving them education, such as the boarding schools of Indonesia, Senegal, and Cochabamba,
Reading of board schools (the catechist must read it as a story to capture the attention of the children, you can also use images)
Questions: how do you imagine the boarding schools? Explain well what the children do in the Piarist boarding schools.
Third meeting
We remember previous activities, the call that has been made to us to be available for who needs us.
It is important to highlight the importance of prayer and above all pray for others is a way to help. When you pray, God listens. Then, He answers your prayers.
Activity 3 to 5 years: in a big poster place the hands with colour paint and write in the centre a prayer for the disadvantaged can be for those who have no home, for those who need refuge…
Activity of 6 to 8 years: develop creative cards with prayers written by the children and recite them at home with their family.
At the end of the meeting record a small video greeting the children of the Piarist boarding schools.
Attachments: (you can attach documents, images, posters etc.) Place it in the corresponding folder well-identified (for example, with the name)
This activity is proposed in the framework of the Solidarity Campaing 2023-24