Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

Let’s be hummingbirds.

Date: 2023 19th November

Global-local approach


  • 14-16
  • 16-18
  • +18

Objectives :

  • Listen and accept the invitation of Jesus Christ to work for the construction of the Kingdom of God.  
  • Feel loved and valued by God and our brothers and sisters. 
  • Be aware of all action adds in the Piarist work for the social transformation. 

Autor: Angel Studios, Félix Revilla SJ


(Ninguna valoración todavía)

The meeting with the group is started after the initial greetings with a simple prayer, as we usually do with the group, and then we will present today's session.  

 First part: 

- We will read or view the scripture of Jesus and the Samaritan woman ( 

THE CHOSEN (Angel Studios, 2021):

And we will comment later in a dialogued way. 

The reflection can be directed to remember that: on the one hand, with this reading it is manifested that Jesus came to the world to turn everything, to make real the Kingdom of God and his justice, and that supposes a great change in the structures and social schemes. And, on the other hand, he comes to call us. He has the intention for us to create in his gospel and we join to his task, “let us be who we are, and we have done what we have done”, He will always welcome us, forgive us and give us the faith and the strength for the mission. We are important for the construction of the Kingdom.  

Second part

 Really, in the 21st century, Jesus is made present in the world also today, through us and us. Through our behaviours and actions. We propose to read the following short story by Félix Revilla sj: 

 A hummingbird was trying to put out a fire in the jungle leading drop by drop of water in its peak while the great animals, much more capable were laughing at him and his effort. When they interplead him so that he left him because he was not going to get anything, he replied. I “do what I can”. 

 And the immediate subsequent reflection asking the children what they have understood.  

Common reflection: That is the key: “I do what I can”. We must be aware of the world in which we live, of our capabilities and limitations; and give us an account that the repercussions of our acts and decisions do affect the world, although it is to a small part of it.  

Our fraternal or no, the welcome or rejection to who we love or to who falls bad to us, the courage of not looking the other way before the abuse… are behaviours that we must cultivate to thus achieve new social schemes such and as we spoke before when commenting on the gospel.  

 What more can we do to change these social structures? what is in our hands to transform society? Let's reflect on our model of consumption and how to practice a responsible consumption is a start for a revolutionary change in the world. Really, each of us can delve into their day to day and in the importance that must take small decisions that are in our hands.  

 Let's dialogue about this with the children and let us propose to think in concrete and viable actions that help to reflect the rest of the community, beyond our group of the Calasanz Movement And let's take them to carry out.  

Example: prepare a market of exchange of books or of clothing that favours the decrease of an unbridled consumption, that helps to not generate so many wastes, to give a second opportunity to our belongings. Or some campaign that helps to reflect on the ethical purchase, responsible consumption, or fair trade, etc. Or that is, actions capable of generating a change in the personal behaviours of those who surround us.  

Let us do real “the spirituality of the hummingbird” and we welcome the invitation of Jesus to participate in that revolution that began more than two thousand years ago.  

 We can end the meeting by joining the prayer of Calasanz:  

“The Lord, for his infinite mercy, give us his grace. To always work well, a greater glory of his and utility of the neighbour.” (6 March of 1632) 

This activity is proposed in the framework of the Solidarity Campaign 2023-24