Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

It unites us more than it divides us

Date: 2021 25th October

Fight against exclusion


  • 12-14
  • 14-16
  • 16-18
  • +18

Objectives :

Work against prejudices and social labels, generate a constructive view of social diversity and eliminate negative personal predispositions towards differences.


(13 votos, promedio:

Feeling identification and affinity with who looks like us is normal. However, we live in a society that generates distrust towards difference. We are psychologically predisposed to classify people as soon as we know them and, perhaps for survival, yet it is not always a positive classification. This can also cause us to miss the opportunity to meet someone with whom we may share much more than we think, or to learn something from someone who may surprise us. Who else could you learn more from?

The activity begins by splitting the class space in half, separated by a line, imaginary or not, at the end of which the teacher is placed. Next, students are asked to position themselves on one side or the other according to the answers to the questions the teacher is going to ask them:

  • Cola- Cola or Pepsi
  • Sea or mountain
  • Autumn- Winter or Spring- Summer
  • Meat or fish
  • Reagetton or rock
  • Beach or pool
  • Sweet or salty
  • Dancing or chatting
  • Action movies or romantic movies
  • Black and white or color

On some occasions they may decide to stay in the center, in the line, because they do not care about one or another answer, but they are invited to position themselves and change from one side to another according to their preference on one or another answer.

In the second part of this session, it is suggested to watch the following video in which it is highlighted how simple it is to classify people instead of looking for the things we have in common. It encourages us to look for those things we have in common. Look for the similarities and not the differences, what unites us and not just what separates us:

After the viewing we start a debate about what we think about the video and about the elements that have surprised us the most. We also discuss if the video generates any changes in our way of seeing things.

This activity is part of the 21-22 Solidarity Campaign.