The news of the future
Date: 2022 14th December
- 12-14
- 14-16
Objectives :
- Carry out a dynamic of reflection and utopia, dreaming of a better world, a different context and see embodied a world that we want to build with our own actions, motivating to generate it in a graphic and palpable way.
Teenagers who carry out this activity must generate a "NEWSPAPER", similar to any of those sold in their place of origin, the newspaper must contain the following:
- Cover
- index or headlines
- Campaign poster
- Back cover
But the content of this newspaper will be special: the newspaper should include both real and invented content with news that we would like to be read every day. News of success, of national pride or happiness, news that promotes values such as respect, love, solidarity, honesty, etc. We should create a newspaper of the future, dreaming that our reality can change at some point if we make it possible.
The method for making the newspaper should be with varied or mixed techniques such as watercolors, cut-outs, relief, drawings, writing or printing, but it should be well done as it will generate an exhibition of this good news within the school, to invite people to read the news of the future.
Esta actividad se propone en el marco de la Campaña de solidaridad 2022-23