Recycling life
Date: 2023 28th November
Fight against exclusion
- +18
Objectives :
- Learn about the reality of the school canteens that are promoted from Itaka-Escolapios Cameroon.
- Reflect on the consumption and food waste in our environment.
This activity will invite us to know at first hand an important, necessary and significant social project of the reality of Cameroon, this project is that of the social dining rooms, a work that helps and propitiates a general transformation of the experience of the need of many of our brothers in Cameroon, it will be Sukal our cook crew who will take us in this adventure, propitiating that we are added.
The food situation in different parts of the world leads us to a constant reflection of the need, poverty and the resolution of the same, simply turning to Latin America and various spaces of the Piarist geography, where several of our lay and religious brothers lead processes, we realize that many of those countries are on the list of countries with famine or high indices of poverty and extreme poverty, which makes many have difficulties to access three daily foods.
Today I want to let you know that many times that poverty or distribution of food is not enough for the “waste” that we throw, many places in various sites are in charge of throwing what was prepared in the day, preferring that that arrives to rubbish containers instead of sharing these “waste”, sometimes it is not that there is no one, it is that what there is and reaches for more is not distributed between more; but, only between those who can access it. Propitiating social injustice, for this my dear fraternal brothers we have a commitment as apostles which will be to announce and denounce and both things, we can do with our acts more than with our words.The project to which I will invite you will consist of two parts, one of them to continue giving life to our parks and gardens, they can be of our same works or schools, there is only a need to ask permission to intervene them and the second part will consist in making a reflection with respect to what I comment to you in different restaurants or fast food sites.
For the first activity, we will make a natural compost between the members of the fraternity to go generating a fertilizer that can nourish the park or garden of the place to intervene, will have to be done periodically, it will be important that they are previously instructed and know how to make this type of compost that is biodegradable and help our plants.
For the second activity it will be important that you investigate spaces that are community canteens in your city, in almost everywhere there is at least some who has this work, ask them their contacts, what they receive and can collect, after having those data now yes touch the part of announces and denounce, creates some type of brochure or visual aspect that visibleness this sad reality and that gives to the various restaurants or places of food the possibility of donating either to you or to some collection centre of the dining room for share these wastes, also in a more ambitious way and if you decide it could generate once a month a community dining room you to support some socio-educational centre or to marginalized people of some nearby context, it would be a very beautiful project, hopefully you can carry it out.
Attachments: (you can attach documents, images, posters etc.) Place it in the corresponding folder well-identified (for example, with the name)
This activity is proposed in the framework of the Solidarity Campaing 2023-24