Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

What is Service-Learning?

Service-learning relies on a method that integrates experiential learning with community service in accordance with the needs detected. Therefore, it encompassed pedagogical aspects and social, environmental, and educational transformation.

The objective of service-learning is an integral and quality education that includes, based on the transforming practice, ethical aspects aimed at the development of a fairer and more sustainable society.

As an educational platform we are convinced that from the educational field it is necessary to encourage measures that offer students the possibility of intervening directly in the modification of the environment. In this way, education will become a protagonist of the environment and its life. By analyzing, designing, promoting, sharing, and evaluating their own service-learning projects, we not only educate the adults of tomorrow, but also make the children and young people of today the protagonists of change.

How can you learn more about Service-Learning?

There are numerous guides and materials on service-learning that you can access to learn more and find out more information, here are some of them. If you have any suggestion, please write to us at 

We leave you some guides to get started in service-learning and some reference websites, there is also a self-assessment rubric that can help you.



A simple guide  to start:

A self-assessment rubric that can be very useful, from the Centre Promotor de l’ApS:


Reduced version of the rubric:

A guide from the European Observatory of Service-Learning in Higher Education :

Another interesting guide : Basic guide to service-learning. Intercultural Community Interveention Project of Leganés.

The  National Geographic guide for educators 

A manual for devloping your own service-learning proyect  frome the Tenesse State University: 



Some reference website:

National youth leadership council:

International Association for research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement

Tennessee State University’s Center for Learning and Service

Kentuky Uiversity´s Service-Learning  center