Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

Boarding school comic

Date: 2022 21th November

Right to education


  • 10-12

Objectives :

  • To be aware of other children reality.
  • To know projects that promote education.
  • To embody our ideas graphically.
  • To share with others our proposals to change the world.


(Ninguna valoración todavía)
  • First of all, we will inform ourselves about the reality of the Cochabamba boarding school. To do so, we can access to the resource form that can be found in the campaing website “One voice, a million changes.”
  • We will discuss in group the reality presented to us, we will investigate a little about it, we will reflect on the diffrences between their daily life and ours...
  • We will ask the group to elaborate (in paper or in digital format) a comic in which they will describe the daily life of the boys and girls of St. Joseph Calasanz boarding school.
  • We will hang our comics in the premises of Calasanz Movement to share it with others.

Esta actividad se propone en el marco de la Campaña de solidaridad 2022-23