Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

World week

Date: 2021 26th October

Fight against exclusion


  • 16-18
  • +18

Objectives :

  • Raise awareness of respect for the diversity of cultures that exist in the world.
  • Comparing the cultures by looking for similarities and valuing the differences. 
  • Explain how cultural diversity enriches us. 
  • Hold the older student body of the educational establishment accountable for the educational work and in raising awareness of the Piarist solidarity campaign.


(1 votos, promedio:

Teachers motivate students by teaching them about the wealth of cultural diversity

Teachers link this activity with the collection process of the Piarist solidarity campaign.

Students perform research with the aim of finding out the culture of diverse populations where the educational centers of the Itaka-Escolapios network are located. Bolivia, Cameroon, Gabon, India, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, and Venezuela.

The students are divided into groups to perform the research and elaborate the exhibition of these diverse cultures.

For the preparation of the exhibitions an additional document which gathers in a cloud the characteristics of each culture may be filled in. In the intersection of both clouds the common aspects of both cultures are gathered.

Once the exhibition of each culture has been created, the entire group or a single person as ambassador of the group will present their work to the younger students.

The presentation may be performed characterizing the culture the discussed.

Each day of the week a representation may take place. This way, in a few days all the cultures from the countries where there are educational centers of the Itaka-Escolapios network will be known to the students.

This activity is part of the 21-22 Solidarity Campaign.