What has changed? (compare and contrast)
Date: 2021 23th October
- 3-5
- 6-8
- 8-10
- 10-12
- 12-14
- 14-16
- 16-18
- +18
Objectives :
- To assess the impact of human activity in nature.
- To find similarities and differences between the two images provided.
- Express their own ideas.
- To recognize the importance of taking care of the environment.
- Learn how to work as a team, practicing active listening and the ability to reach an agreement.
Instructions for the person responsible:
- Print or project both images in a large size (you will find them in the annexes of the activity).
- Show the group both images and ask them to talk about what they think has happened, if they know where that is (Manhattan Island)
* Depending on the ages of the participants we can stress the need to take care of nature, of the differences between a man-made and a natural landscape, of the consequences of uncontrolled growth, of the concept of population density, of human responsibility in the care of creation, of the importance of water for cities, etc.
- Suggest to the participants that they complete in teams (or individually) the following exercise of finding similarities and differences, following these instructions:
- Have them detect similarities and differences between both images.
- Where the two tree leaves meet is for writing the similarities. The part of each leaf that corresponds to one image but they both don’t meet is where the differences are to be written.
- Talk about it as a group and draw conclusions together.