Rethinking environmental problems
Date: 2021 28th October
Objectives :
- To understand the main environmental issues.
- To be able to come up with solutions.
- To discuss while considering the consequences of the different options.
- To value acting responsibly towards the environment.
- Propose that students brainstorm about what they think are the main problems the environment is facing.
- Show the students the website You can also have them access the website themselves or print it out.
- As a group (they can also do it individually) they will read the article and talk about the different environmental problems that are presented.
- Each group chooses one of the environmental challenges (they can also be assigned by the person in charge) and completes the thinking routines “Headlines”, with the indication to reflect on how the people affected directly by this problem will feel. (ANNEX 1) If you need information about how to apply this routine, you can browse here(
- Carry out the thinking routing “Making decisions” attached in the ANNEX 2, for each of the problems chosen by each group.
- Each group presents (orally, with a digital presentation, a mural, etc.) the results of their work.
- Create a mural, infographic, digital presentation, podcast, leaflet, etc. with the different problems and proposed solutions, accompanied by the reasoning behind each of them.