Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

Pious schools connected

Date: 2022 08th November

Right to education


  • 8-10
  • 10-12

Objectives :

  1. To know and support the educational, pastoral and transformative work of the Itaka-Escolapios network, to take co-responsibility for its mission and to contribute to covering the ordinary expenses that allow it to be viable.
  2. To highlight, review and promote the transforming character of the Piarist centres, also offering EDUCA, as a network of support and connection of educational centres for social transformation.
  3. To approach different realities of Itaka-Escolapios such as some of the boarding schools in America, Africa and Asia


(Ninguna valoración todavía)

Previous task for the teaching team: Review the Itaka-Escolapios boarding school records (See Annex 1).


In a big group, you can work on the thinking routine "I SEE, I THINK, I WONDER" after viewing photographs of the boarding schools in Cocapata, Senegal and Atambua (Annex 2. Photographs of boarding schools).

I SEE - to write down what they are seeing in each photo (without interpreting anything).

I THINK - to write down the ideas that each picture suggests to them.

I WONDER - to write down the doubts and questions they have.


You can watch the story of WILM ( which shows the reality of our boarding school in Anzaldo.

Afterwards, the teacher will present the reality of the boarding schools of Itaka-Escolapios (Cocapata, Senegal and Atambua), so that they know what a boarding school is, what their function is, where they are located, etc.

Finally, they can also be asked how they imagine their life if they lived in one of these boarding schools, how would it change?


In teams of 4 or 5 people, and after the previous analysis, it is proposed to make a model or mural of what they think a Piarist boarding school is like, highlighting the similarities with our school. The reflection, guided by the teacher, can also focus on what defines us as Pious Schools (prayers, school for all, centrality of the child, etc.) so that it is easier for them to connect and link with a reality as distant as the one they are working on.

Finally, it is important to take care with the presentation of each work, its analysis and the reflection that the creative process has generated in them.

SUGGESTION: This dynamic can be worked on from the subject of Art Education/Plastics and included in the classroom programme, in which various collage techniques are worked on, either with fungible art material or using ICT. (From 1st to 3rd grade it is advisable to use magazines, cardboard, colours and various artistic techniques).


Esta actividad se propone en el marco de la Campaña de solidaridad 2022-23