Itaka Escolapios Itaka Escolapios

Debate on equality

Date: 2021 22th October

Fight against exclusion


  • 12-14
  • 14-16
  • 16-18
  • +18

Objectives :

  • Reflect on the concept of equality
  • Generate critical spirit
  • Be able to understand the dynamics of a debate.
  • Respect other people’s ideas.
  • Be thoughtful and able to justify personal opinions.


(1 votos, promedio:

The ultimate goal of the activity is to generate a class debate on gender equality. To do this, students must look for a piece of news, either an editorial or internet article, on which they want to work. For this there are several options:

  • OPTION 1: All students work on the same text selected by the teacher.
  • OPTION 2: In a group we select a text on which we will work together.
  • OPTION 3: Each student searches for and selects a text to work on.

 Steps to follow:

  1. According to the chosen option we provide the students with the text they have to work on or we give them the necessary time to select it.
  2. We suggest they complete the thinking routine. "The traffic light" that we find in Annex 1 as follows: in the red light they indicate an idea of the text with which they do not agree with, in the orange an idea with which they relatively agree, and in the green an idea with which they very much agree. If you want to better understand how to work with this routine you have more information here:
  3. We propose the phrase for the debate: "Men and women are equal." Any other phrase may be proposed but it must be a phrase that allows the students to take different positions.
  4. A class discussion with a moderator is established.
  5. Once the debate is over, the routine of thought that we will find in Annex 2 has to be completed as an evaluation and as a conclusion.
  6. If you wish, you can share in small or in a large groups the conclusions you have reached.

This activity is part of the 21-22 Solidarity Campaign: