Where are my rights?
Date: 2022 08th November
- 16-18
- +18
Objectives :
- To raise awareness of the Piarist presence of Itaka-Escolapios in the country of Cameroon and its mission there.
- To raise awareness of the school realities experienced by children in the country, taking into account the situation produced as a result of the armed conflict.
- To raise awareness of the armed conflict in the country and of the work being carried out in some areas of the country.
- To encourage empathy towards the personal situation that refugees are going through as a result of this conflict, opening their eyes to connect with this reality.
- Promote an active commitment of students to the cause, inviting them to disseminate the reality of Cameroon and any social cause that needs visibility to the rest of their schoolmates and through social networks, both in Cameroon and in any other social cause that needs visibility.
- Anexo-1.-Intro-profesorado.pdf
- Anexo-4.-Presentación-pdf.pdf
- PEACE-Humanitarian-CAMEROON.pdf
- 04.01.01d-Annex-1.-Intro-teaching-staff.docx
- 04.01.01d-Annex-4.-Presentation-pdf.pdf
Calasanz said:
Through prayer and works, true peace and harmony must be sought from the Lord.
Activity for school during school hours: 1 hour.
Required material:
· Computer or other device with internet connection and speakers
· CANVA, PDF or MP4 presentation
· Projector
· Sheets of paper and/or poster board
· Markers or other paints
Activity proposal:
Having seen the context of Cameroon (see annexes 1 and 2), the armed conflict that has been going on for some years and the projects carried out by Itaka-Escolapios in the country, we propose an activity that follows the scheme: Feel-Imagine-Change; this dynamic allows us to internalise the value and discover the need to put it into practice in our environment.
1. FEEL – Discovering Cameroon (15 minutes):
In this first part of the activity, the students will be presented with this presentation, which is also attached in video and pdf format (annexes 3 and 4)
(https://www.canva.com/design/DAFQs3hvKLI/RtFgOWe_gNEoh2wvJa1WsA/view?utm_content=DAFQs3hvKLI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton), and also the project sheet (annex 2).
In this presentation, we have all the information we have seen in this document in an entertaining and visual way for the kids. In this way, they will be able to get to know the whole context of the country before doing an activity themselves.
2. IMAGINE – Internalizing the conflict (30 minutes)
Now it is time for the students to internalise and empathise with the situation in Cameroon, after having visualised the presentation we proposed in the first section: 'Feel'. To do this, we propose the following dynamic:
The group will be divided into two smaller groups, each of the two groups will be a side in the simulation of a war conflict and the possible dialogues between sides.
Once the group has been divided into two, the dynamics will begin. To begin with, the first group will play the dominant side of the conflict (group 1) and the other will play the dominated side (group 2).
Group 1 will have absolute freedom to deny group 2 the freedoms and rights from the following list:
- Freedom of expression
- Right to education
- Right to housing
- Freedom of clothing
- Right to unrestricted food
- Right to assembly
- Freedom of movement within the national territory
- Freedom of the press
- Right to equal opportunities regardless of gender, sex, religion, ethnicity...
- Right to decent working conditions
In the same way, group 2 will be able to choose four of the freedoms and rights from the list to maintain in their society as long as they justify their choice in a reasoned manner. Group 1, after listening to the reasons of group 2, will be able to give them as valid or not and there will be time for dialogue between the two groups, mediated by a responsible person (teacher).
After the dialogue and agreements, group 1 will take the place of group 2 and vice versa.
Some of the questions we should ask ourselves at the end of the game are: How did the 'citizens' of one side feel? And those of the other side? Was there an egalitarian attitude towards all 'citizens', and what differences were there? Does a privileged situation make us more insensitive to the injustices of people in more precarious situations?
Putting ourselves in the place of others helps us to better know and understand the world around us. Understanding the economic system in which we live, cultures, religions... can help us to understand many things in our daily lives.
Being born on one side or the other is not something we can choose. But the attitude we have towards life can.
3. CHANGE – Change the world with your peace message (15 minutes):
Once they have internalised the conflict through the previous activity, they are invited to prepare a manifest for Peace to be read at the Central Event or published on social media with proposals for improvement in Cameroon and in their own environment. Our proposal is that each class prepares a manifest and that, in each school, a 'mix' is chosen or made by the teachers or students delegated to do so.
In this way, we intend to make reality visible, both this conflict in Cameroon that we have worked on and any cause worth fighting for.
In order to share this content on social networks, which can be done through the Official Accounts of the different schools, we invite you to use the hashtags: #OneVoiceOneMillionChanges / #MissionPeace / #ItakaEscolapios and to mention the Official Account of Itaka Escolapios: @reditakaescolapios.
- Peace Gesture / Central Act:
In the Central Act (if it takes place) students are invited to share the Peace manifests they have prepared during the Activity.
- Sources:
Esta actividad se propone en el marco de la Campaña de solidaridad 2022-23