2024-2025 Breaking ways
BREAKING WAYS, is the motto of this course, and together with the new logo of Itaka-Escolapios that seeks to highlight the welcome and greatness of the heart of Calasanz, in Itaka-Escolapios we focus on the path that he started more than four centuries ago to transform society through education.
That road, indeed, but also all those that start from it in so many countries of the world, where we continue to open and walk as Pious Schools with the same goal: to eliminate the weeds of injustice and inequality that grow in the less traveled places, to recover spaces of peace, joy, hope and social justice. Places in which to grow as Christians working for the common good, in the style of Calasanz. Roads on which to pilgrimage in hope towards the world that God wants for his daughters and sons.
With the motto BREAKING WAYS, one more year we want to put at the center of our mission the children, adolescents and young people who actively participate in the Piarist works. And also their families, educators, teachers and companions. Let’s get going and act because we can be protagonists of change, and therefore we are invited to have a proactive attitude in search of the improvement of society, as we are really able to pave the way for many people around us who have it more difficult.
One of the keys of this year in the Pious Schools and in the Catholic Church is to walk the paths of hope around us, hence this year’s campaign invites us to open new paths with determination and hope for a more just, fraternal and humane world.
Calasanz will accompany us in this task. His life dedicated to education and to the service of the most vulnerable people of his time, orients and guides our mission today, more than 400 years later. Loaded with a backpack full of gospel and life, he guides us along the path of social and educational commitment to advance in the construction of the Kingdom of God, here and now.
BREAKING WAYS wants to be more than a slogan, it seeks to be an invitation to action, to trust, to change and to constant, meaningful learning, and, in short, of life. To live in hope.
It reminds us that every step in our journey is valuable, and that with all our hands (the more the better) we can transform the world. Knowing the projects of Itaka-Escolapios we realize that education really is a powerful and necessary tool to achieve, someday, that world of justice, peace and love that God wants. That is also our hope because we know that each of the young people, girls and boys Piarist around the world has a great potential to achieve it.
In words of Pope Francis:
“We must keep alight the flame of hope that has been given to us, and do everything possible so that everyone may regain the strength and certainty to look to the future with an open mind, a trusting heart and a broad outlook (…) All this will be possible if we are able to recover the sense of universal brotherhood, if we do not close our eyes to the tragedy of the rampant poverty that prevents millions of men, women, young people and children from living in a humanly dignified way”.